Let’s play hide and go seek
By Megan
Do you want to play hide and go seek with me and my friends?Today I am going to play hide and go seek so I have invited 4 of my friends to play with me there is Me, Amy, and my 4 friends are Hannah, Georgia, Lily and Atalia.I’m in so 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Ready or not here I come.
I looked under the table and …. I found you Lily we ran outside and is there nobody in the tree nope. Anybody in the playhouse? yep.I found you Georgia I knew you were in their we kept looking and we got to the boat
“Hey road trip by any chance, is there anybody hiding In you”Boo I gave Atalia such a fright that she almost piddled her pants.
Where oh where could they be? my last friend and my sister.
I stopped, I thought, I got it
I ran inside and there was Hannah under the bed.How many is that? 1 2 3 4 so where is Amy?
Where does she usually hide?
I know in the garden….
But nope she's not there so I thought long and hard about this one. She’s in the hot water cupboard with all the nicely folded clothes I was right.
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